

E11 – Бременост со хипермезис гравидарум

Што е тоа хипермезис гравидарум? Каква е таа состојба во бременоста? И со кои се предизвици се соочува една жена, по патот да се реализира како мајка? Оваа приказна од бременоста, е малку поинаква, ова е приказна која ќе не […]

E10 – Две временски блиски бремености и нивните предизвици

  Секоја бременост но и секое растење на бебето во детенце, е предизвик сам по себе. Навистина, понекогаш потребна ни е многу сила, мотивација и верба, да се убедиме себеси дека е во ред и дека се ќе постигнеме.  Но […]

Captivate Podcast Embed

who denounce their brothers and sisters, sowing distrust and ill-will. They freeze our hearts and our tongues, by punishing with prison anyone who provokes, praises, or merely seeks to understand those mad acts to which an insane society has driven […]

Buzzsprout Podcast Embed

who denounce their brothers and sisters, sowing distrust and ill-will. They freeze our hearts and our tongues, by punishing with prison anyone who provokes, praises, or merely seeks to understand those mad acts to which an insane society has driven […]

Transistor Podcast Embed

who denounce their brothers and sisters, sowing distrust and ill-will. They freeze our hearts and our tongues, by punishing with prison anyone who provokes, praises, or merely seeks to understand those mad acts to which an insane society has driven […]

Podbean Podcast Embed

who denounce their brothers and sisters, sowing distrust and ill-will. They freeze our hearts and our tongues, by punishing with prison anyone who provokes, praises, or merely seeks to understand those mad acts to which an insane society has driven […]

Mixcloud Podcast Example

who denounce their brothers and sisters, sowing distrust and ill-will. They freeze our hearts and our tongues, by punishing with prison anyone who provokes, praises, or merely seeks to understand those mad acts to which an insane society has driven […]

Deezer Podcast Single Example

who denounce their brothers and sisters, sowing distrust and ill-will. They freeze our hearts and our tongues, by punishing with prison anyone who provokes, praises, or merely seeks to understand those mad acts to which an insane society has driven […]

Easy Strategies to Help

who denounce their brothers and sisters, sowing distrust and ill-will. They freeze our hearts and our tongues, by punishing with prison anyone who provokes, praises, or merely seeks to understand those mad acts to which an insane society has driven […]

Strategies for Your Next Podcast Show

who denounce their brothers and sisters, sowing distrust and ill-will. They freeze our hearts and our tongues, by punishing with prison anyone who provokes, praises, or merely seeks to understand those mad acts to which an insane society has driven […]

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